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First Line Friday (because aren't first lines exciting?)

Ca-chunk, ca-chunk, ca-chunk.

The sound drifts through my bedroom window. Pokes through my homework haze. It's not loud, but it's impossible to ignore. Because it doesn't belong here.

From Candor by Pam Bachorz

Review from Kirkus Review

Everyone is on-message in Candor, Fla. (a planned community not unlike Disney’s Celebration), and Oscar Banks’s father decides that message through mind-controlling music. For teenagers who have the money and the motivation to escape from Candor, Oscar offers his own rebellious subliminal messages. After falling in love with new arrival Nia, Oscar weighs his perfect persona against Nia’s survival, watching as she falls victim to Candor’s illusion of perfection. Bachorz’s premise causes a momentary chill: Given music’s ubiquitous presence today, readers can easily wonder if there’s a message lurking in every melody. A nicely paced plot keeps the narrative moving and successfully builds tension.

Why this book is here:

Exactly because it's so creepy, just like the review says. And because it could be true. Read More 
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